Avadhutika Ananda Mitra Acarya is a wholetimer in the Ananda Marga
organization. Her book “The Spiritual Philosophy of Shrii Shrii
Anandamurti” [1] is a very important book as it provides excellent
commentary. I will provide short quotes from her book and give the links
to her articles at the end.
Brahma, Shiva, Shakti
“Brahma is the composite of Shiva and Shakti” (Ananda Sutram 1-1)
Avtk. Ananda Mitra Ac. explains this sutra as follows:
“This is the basic concept of Ananda Marga philosophy – that the
Supreme Entity is One but has two aspects: the Cognitive Principle and
the Operative Principle, Shiva and Shakti. It is impossible to conceive
of one entity without the other; Consciousness and Its Energy of
creation are as inseparable as fire and its heat; as milk and its
whiteness, as two sides of a piece of paper. This concept has often been
depicted symbolically in the image of a hermaphrodite (man and woman in
the same body), or in Indian sculpture as two lovers locked in a tight
embrace. In this sutra the term `atmakam’ has been used to express the
relationship: Brahma is the composite of, the combined name of,
Consciousness and the Operative Principle, Brahma is not a third
entity.” [1]
Prakrti: Subordinate Efficient Cause
“Purusa (Shiva) is the material and efficient cause of creation and Prakrti (Shakti) is the `secondary efficient cause’.” [2]
Purushottama, Shiva, Paramashiva, Saguna and Nirguna Brahma
“Shiva, Consciousness, permeates each and every one of the
innumerable particles of creation. The Consciousness is latent in all
expressions. But when Shiva is controlling all these microcosms as the
Macroscopic Witnessing Entity, He is known as `Parama Shiva’, `Supreme
Shiva’. When He is witnessing all the unit purushas, all the unit
consciousnesses, he is known as `Purushottama’. Thus `Parama Shiva’ and
`Purushottama’ are synonymous. He is the witnesser and controller of the
gunas, which in turn manage the creation. Not even a blade of grass can
move without His desire. He is not Nirguna Brahma because He is
witnessing the Universe. He is indirectly concerned with the
objectivity. Nirguna Brahma is completely outside and beyond the
universe, not related to it in any way. Saguna Brahma is the combination
of the two, Purushottama and His psychic object, the Universe.” [3]
Cosmic Controller
“All entities are linked to the Cosmic Nucleus as if by a thread,
like a kite to the child flying the kite. All are guided by Him. Modern
science says that all microcosmic entities are determined by a cause we
can no longer perceive: `Exhaustive studies by many investigators have
shown that the fundamental laws of nature do not control the phenomena
directly. We must picture them as operating in a substratum of which we
can form no mental picture’ (Dirac, physicist). The ultimate substratum
of course is the Cosmic Consciousness, the ultimate cause, knowing all
and witnessing all. Baba says nothing is an accident; the very word
`accident’ should be deleted from the dictionary. Everything is
incidental; everything has a cause, though we may not be able to
perceive that cause. Everything is guided by the Cosmic Nucleus; but
human beings have a certain degree of subordinate free will to move
forward or backward within the Cosmic Cycle.” [3]
Activity, Thought and Witness-ship
“There are three aspects of existence: (1) action (Prakrti is
responsible for this), (2) thought (Prakrti is responsible for this
also: thought and action being vibrational, are products of Her
bondage), (3) witness-ship (Purusha is responsible for this: He performs
the function of the witness-ship of Consciousness). We cannot know of
the existence of Prakrti until we see something She produces, until She
identifies Herself with objectivity, until She manifests the pure
Consciousness in objective forms (like citta, physical world, etc.). All
the different operations and activities in the Universe (activity and
thought) are because of the binding of Prakrti. The third factor,
witness-ship, belongs to Purusha because He is watching everything, as
the infinite Transcendental Entity.” [4]
Avadhutika Ananda Mitra Acarya’s articles are very inspiring, I recommend them highly
Raising the Kundalini
The Art of Relaxation
The Characteristics of a Mantra
Please check the list at “Ananda Marga Articles” periodically as new articles are added.
[1] Avadhutika Ananda Mitra Ac., The Spiritual Philosophy of Shrii
Shrii Anandamurti: A Commentary on Ananda Sutram, 2nd Edition, Ananda
Marga Publications, ISBN 81-7252-119-7, p:1
[2] ibid, p:7
[3] ibid, p:16
[4] ibid, p:11
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